Dietary supplements – what should you know?

Dietary supplements – what should you know?

Currently, supplements can be purchased not only in pharmacies, but also in supermarkets, health food stores and drugstores. They are marketed in various forms, capsules, tablets, dragees, powder sachets, syrups, ampoules with liquid, dropper bottles, which is why they are so easy to confuse with medicinal products. Do we know enough about them? What should be taken into account when choosing supplements?

Dietary Supplements: Legal Aspects and Definition

Dietary supplements are foodstuffs that are intended to supplement the normal diet – this is the definition given by the Food and Nutrition Safety Act. These are usually minerals, vitamins and other compounds, intended to be consumed in specific quantities to achieve an appropriate nutritional effect. The Act clearly emphasizes that in accordance with the provisions of the pharmaceutical law, they do not have the properties of medicinal products.

Supplements cannot therefore be used to combat diseases, unlike drugs that have proven therapeutic potential and are subject to clinical trials. All medicines, both synthetic and plant-based, are subject to the registration and marketing authorisation process by the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, along with information on contraindications or the possibility of adverse reactions, while supplements are treated as food products. All you need to do is report them to the State Sanitary Inspectorate.

An entity operating on the food market that places dietary supplements on the market for the first time is obliged to notify the Chief Sanitary Inspector of this fact via the Electronic Notification System (ESP). The manufacturer or distributor is responsible for the safety of supplements placed on the market. They must comply with the requirements for proper labelling of their products.

On the packaging of this type of preparations there should be,, a clear statement „dietary supplement”, an indication for use, information about the recommended daily dose for consumption, the name of the nutrient. The labelling, presentation and advertising of food supplements must not suggest that a balanced and varied diet does not provide sufficient amounts of nutrients for the functioning of the body.

When and for what purpose should I use supplements?

Dietary supplements may contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also amino acids, lecithin, fiber, fatty acids, probiotics, compounds of plant or animal origin. The use of such preparations is associated with the achievement of specific benefits. Not only do they nourish the body and supplement the daily diet with valuable nutrients, but they also improve concentration and memory, add vitality, protect the body against the influence of adverse external factors, improve the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and osteoarticular systems. They also support the diet of people who do not care about properly balanced meals.

Types of Supplements

The simplest division distinguishes between synthetic supplements, which are obtained by chemical synthesis, and natural supplements, obtained from raw materials found in nature: herbs, fruits, vegetables and minerals. Of course, the use of the latter will bring us much more benefits. Natural supplements are safe and effective. Unfortunately, their cost is usually a bit higher. Dietary supplements can also be divided according to their composition.

Therefore, we distinguish mineral and vitamin supplements, containing ingredients of plant origin, with essential fatty acids (EFAs), dietary fiber, amino acids, enzymes and probiotics. Yet another division is based on the mechanism of action of supplements and their impact on individual systems and organs.

This category includes supplements supporting the weight loss process, musculoskeletal, immune, circulatory and digestive systems, improving concentration and vitality, delaying the aging process, improving eyesight, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, strengthening hair, skin, nails and for athletes.

First of all, dietary supplements should be chosen carefully, taking into account the current needs of the body, which are, after all, very individual. These products are supposed to support and protect our health. Not only will they not bring us any benefits, but they can even cause a lot of harm. Therefore, you should check your health by doing a basic medical examination. It is also worth meeting with a dietitian who will help you assess your menu and specify the ingredients that you may potentially be missing. That would be ideal, of course. However, if you do not have the time or such possibilities, you should go to a pharmacy, where you will certainly get professional advice from a pharmacist.

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