The impact of diet on human health – why is it worth it?

The impact of diet on human health – why is it worth it?

„You are what you eat” – there is a lot of truth behind this popular slogan. What we eat has a huge impact on our health, daily well-being and functioning. Healthy eating has a positive impact on our daily functioning and life. On the other hand, an inadequate diet can lead to disorders in the functioning of the body, which can result in our worse well-being and health.

What does food do in our bodies?

The nutrients in food enable our body’s cells to perform essential functions and give the body instructions for how it functions. In this sense, food can be seen as a source of „information” for the body. If we get too much food or food that gives our body the wrong instructions, we can be overweight, malnourished, and at risk of developing diseases and conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease.

Health in the age of „fast food”

Sweet and salty snacks, carbonated drinks, fast food and highly processed products are a real nutritional nightmare of our time. In such a diet, we have a lot of products based on fatty acids, bad carbohydrates and preservatives. Their consumption significantly increases the risk of many diseases: obesity, diabetes, various types of cancer, hypertension and many others.

  • Heart: When we eat, food goes through the digestive process. Part of this process involves the absorption of vitamins and minerals and their distribution into the bloodstream, which leads to blood vessels, coronary arteries, and heart muscle. Depending on the type of food you eat, your heart can pump harder and use more energy. This can eventually lead to heart failure and heart attack. By consuming salty foods, your body will retain water to dilute the volume of your blood. This causes more blood to circulate throughout the body and the heart to work harder
  • Cancer: According to a 2018 study published by The BMJ, it was found that for every 10% increase in ultra-processed food consumption, it was associated with an overall 12% higher risk of cancer and an 11% increased risk of breast cancer
  • Brain: Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to chronic inflammation that can be caused by foods such as: white bread, french fries, red meat, sugary drinks, margarine

Healthy eating habits

What we choose on our plate has a real impact on our health and life. However, breaking unhealthy eating habits is not easy, and it is usually a process that requires self-discipline and motivation. Here are some helpful tips and ideas:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Try to eat 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables every day
  • Eat less saturated and trans fats
  • Read the labels of the products you buy. You may be surprised by the ingredients and choose a different brand
  • Give up or at least limit your sugar intake
  • Drink more water
  • Check your portions. Fill half of the plate with a variety of vegetables or salads, add lean protein products such as meat, fish, chicken or legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans, etc.) to occupy a quarter of the plate, finally add cereal products such as rice, pasta or noodles to occupy the remaining quarter of the plate plan. One of the main reasons people eat fast food or a bag of chips is because they are in a hurry.
  • Plan your meals on the weekends, including snacks, buy only what you need, and prepare your food. Not only will this help you eat healthier, but it will also save you money
  • Eat at fixed times – eating meals at regular times will help in the proper course of metabolic processes and affects the reflex secretion of digestive juices.

Why is it important to take care of proper nutrition?

80% of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal system. A person’s immune problems may be related to improper digestion. A properly balanced diet affects the functioning of the immune system.

Nutrition is an important factor influencing human health from an early age. Eating disorders, especially during adolescence, determine to a large extent the health condition of an adult.  A healthy diet helps children grow and develop properly and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Adults who eat a healthy diet live longer and have a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Meanwhile, our eating habits are formed in childhood. Additionally, healthy eating also affects the ability to learn.

The brain and gut work together and have a huge impact on a person’s mood and emotional state. What’s more, the gut is even called the „second brain.” Our emotions affect what we eat, and what we eat affects how we feel. There is even a concept of „emotional eating” that is related to when we use food to calm our emotional state. This is what happens when, for example, we „eat” stress, boredom or sadness. Food can also help regulate emotions. Apparently, grains that are rich in vitamin B, which has a direct effect on the nervous system, work best for this purpose.

Our skin, complexion, hair, nails are to a large extent a reflection of how we eat. A proper diet has a huge impact on our appearance and inhibits the aging process. A proper diet, rich in nutrients, contributes to achieving better sports performance if we train. Physical activity combined with a proper diet is a guarantee of greater comfort in life.

Some products (oysters, shrimps, dark chocolate) are attributed with aphrodisiac properties. In addition, a person who eats healthily feels better, has more energy, and this in turn translates into richer sexual experiences. Eating the right foods can lead to a longer and healthier life. Our food choices translate into practically most spheres of our lives. If you are not sure what exactly your daily menu should look like, it is best to make an appointment for an online consultation with a dietitian, who will conduct a detailed interview with us, learn about our current habits and allow us to plan and implement new and healthier ones. The most important thing is to start eating consciously. Bless you!

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