Supplements … What are they and how do they work?
We have been hearing about dietary supplements more and more often for some time now. In advertising media, they are used as a cure for everything, including illness and a „tired” appearance. Dietary supplements for weight loss, natural dietary supplements or dietary supplements for men, as advertising, is another idea. Therefore, more and more people are reaching for miracle pills, expecting immediate and, of course, spectacular results. However, what are supplements actually and are you sure you can take them without consulting a doctor? Above all, however, is it really worth using them?
What is a dietary supplement?
The law makes a very clear and explicit distinction between medicines and supplements. The latter, according to the Food and Nutrition Safety Act of 25 August 2006, are a product that consists of nutrients. It is treated as a supplement to normal food. A dietary supplement is therefore considered to be a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals and other substances. The law also regulates the way in which it is marketed, namely the form that allows dosing (tablets, capsules, powder, as well as liquid). Thus, the dietary supplement is a huge source of nutrients necessary for the body to function properly.
Dietary supplements may contain vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, as well as fats, enzymes or plant extracts. In general, they can contain anything that supplements the diet with substances that the body lacks to function properly. EU law not only defines the set of ingredients and dosages that can be used in over-the-counter dietary supplements, but also indicates what form and form can be used. For this reason, some preparations, although they have a similar composition, are treated as supplements, while others are already considered medicines.
Tasks of dietary supplements
Dietary supplements are taken for a reason. Everyone who uses them expects the specific effects that the manufacturers promise. In general, the tasks to be fulfilled by a dietary supplement can be divided into:
- cosmetic – improving the external appearance. It is usually about improving the appearance of hair, skin and nails. It provides vitamins and minerals that rejuvenate and affect the overall radiance of the skin, as well as prevent hair loss or nail breakage;
- prophylactic – applies to supplements used especially in autumn and winter, when the natural immunity is weakened. Their main task is to
preventive prevention of the effects of possible deficiencies. It also applies to supplements used before possible drug therapy, which may affect the poorer absorption of specific vitamins or minerals, as a prophylaxis against their deficiency;
- medicinal – treatment of the effects of already existing deficiencies. Very often used as an adjunct in the therapy of other drugs as a supplement to the diet and general strengthening of the body. Supplements for this purpose are often used, for example, to rebuild bacterial flora or regenerate the liver or other organs. Their main task is to support proper treatment.
However, it should be remembered that regardless of the purpose of the dietary supplement, it is only an additional measure. You should not base your entire treatment on it or expect immediate, spectacular cosmetic results. A healthy diet and physical activity are equally important in maintaining good body health.
When to use dietary supplements?
The purpose of dietary supplements is to provide our body with concentrated doses of nutrients and other substances with physiological effects, i.e. vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, fiber, etc. Therefore, they should be used primarily by people who are unable to ensure an adequate supply of these ingredients in their daily menu. Most often, people who are overworked, weakened, tired and stressed are interested in dietary supplements. However, deficiencies in the daily diet do not have to be only the result of a lack of time or an increased need for specific ingredients (for example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding). Supplements are needed for gastrointestinal disorders, which are associated with improper absorption of nutrients, as well as for appetite disorders.
Preparations of this type can also strengthen the body during increased physical and mental effort and help fight disease or improve natural immunity. In addition, supplements are recommended for people who follow elimination diets, do not like and do not consume fish, do not avoid stimulants such as alcohol or cigarettes, replace home-cooked meals with fast food, can see a clear deficiency of specific ingredients based on the appearance of their hair and nails. It is also assumed that preparations of this type are helpful for people struggling with overweight, premenopausal women and all those who easily catch infections.
Natural Dietary Supplements vs. Their Synthetic Counterparts
Contrary to appearances, natural dietary supplements are not so easy to obtain. It is only relatively recently that natural supplements seem to be slowly replacing their synthetic counterparts. However, in health food stores or pharmacies, and more often than not, you can find powdered plants in their natural form, which contain large amounts of nutrients, but in a much better absorbable form than in the case of synthetic supplements. Dietary supplements used in this way can be a good supplement to a daily diet that lacks certain nutrients.
Natural supplements can also be overdosed, but the risk is lower than in the case of ready-made preparations. Although in the latter the composition is adjusted to take into account the daily requirement, it does not take into account the diet, which can be completely different for each person. In the case of natural supplements, on the other hand, the dosage also depends on the indications on the packaging, but the amounts of vitamins and minerals contained in them correspond better with what is provided with the diet. As such, they are thus a better supplement to the diet.